Published in:2021-07-01 | category: English
Words: 1.6k | Reading time: 7min | reading:
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单词 释义
workaholic 工作狂
shopaholic 购物狂
genre (文学、艺术、电影或音乐的)类型
bittersweet 苦乐参半的,又苦又甜的
long-awaited 期待已久的
newbie (尤指使用电脑的)新手
underdeveloped 不发达的,发展不完全的
developed | advanced 发达的,先进的
idolize 热爱,把…当偶像崇拜,非常敬慕
vice-versa 反之亦然
workload 工作量,工作负担
eyesore 辣眼的东西,碍眼的建筑,丑陋的东西
perseverance 毅力,坚忍不拔
talkative 健谈的
counterproductive 适得其反的
leeway 余地
part-time adj-adv 兼职的,用部分时间地
introvert 内向的
ornamental 具有观赏性的
time-saving 省时的
energy-saving 节能的
money-saving 省钱的
lengthy 漫长的(过程),冗长的(讲解、解释)


词伙 释义
pros and cons 利弊
cup of tea 喜欢的人、事物
a great time saver 节省时间的好办法
quality time (尤指关爱子女,增进感情的)黄金时光
better half 另一半(指配偶或恋人)
straight A student
top student 学霸,优等生,尖子生
mobile payment 移动支付
indoor person 宅在家里的人
academic performance 学业成绩,学术表现
hustle and bustle 忙忙碌碌,熙熙攘攘,尘世喧嚣
financially independent 经济独立
a once-in-a-lifetime experience 一生难忘的经历,一生中仅有一次的经历


短语 释义
ever undertaken 有史以来(句尾)
once in a blue moon 千载难逢;百年不遇(句尾)
happiness lies in contentedness 知足常乐
get a better picture of
have a good understanding of 更好地了解
every walk of life 各行各业
be scrambling to 争先恐后地
complement each other 互为补充,相得益彰,相辅相成
with the elapse of time
as time goes on/by 随着时间的流逝
be used to doing
be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某些事(+ doing)
… was all the rage … 曾风靡一时
run errands 跑腿,出门办事
through thick and thin 历尽千辛万苦
blow one’s mind 让…大吃一惊,出乎意料
keep pace with the times 与时俱进
with regard to …
in terms of 在…方面
at the drop of a hat 马上,毫不犹豫地,非常乐意地
once bitten, twice shy 一次被咬,两次害羞
as the saying goes,
as an old saying goes, 俗话说的好
learn the lesson from the last time 吸取上次的经验教训
get stuck on … 陷入…,被什么难住、卡住
day in day out 日复一日
foot the bill 付账,买单
have a full plate with … 在 …(事上、方面)很忙
let alone … 更别说/谈/提 …
study on one’s own
teach oneself … 自学
put on a poker face 摆出一副扑克脸
… not the way to go … 不是条可行之路
after my busy day of study, …
after a busy day of my study, … 在我一天忙碌的学习之后,…
based on my own experience 根据我的经验
to some extent 在某种程度上
time and again 一次又一次
come into my view
the first thing I see … 映入眼帘
release one’s pressure 释放压力
once in a while 偶尔
stick to my principle 坚守我的原则
spare no effort to 不遗余力
every now and then
from time to time 时不时
kindle one’s interest in sth 激发某人对…的兴趣
be grateful to sb 感激某人
pass the time of day with … 共度时光
on a regular basis 定期
get ahead in the world 出人头地,在世上取得成功
in the old days
in the past 在过去
Demand exceeds supply 供不应求
live for the moment 活在当下
on the same wavelength 志趣相投的,在同一频道的
take the essence and discard the dross. 取其精华,去其糟粕
leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象
in a very short period of time. 在短时间内
for the sake of … 为了… 起见,为了… 的利益
and so on
so on and so forth 等等
might as well … 不妨,倒不如,最好还是,应该这就(去做XXX事)
Long story short, … 长话短说,…
brush up 重温,回顾


句式 释义 / 例句
I would have done sth if I had done sth. I probably would have been a better student if I had taken my sleep more seriously.
as … as ever He’s working as hard as ever.
back in the days when … Back in the days when I was a child, my life was so carefree and happy.
I’m going to talk about … 我将要谈…方面的事情
If I remember correctly, … 如果我记得没错的话
walk sb. through 带某人走一遍…
She’d take an evening to walk me through my errors.
Could you walk me through the steps you take on making this dish?
I was just wondering… 我就是想知道 …
out of curiosity / courtesy 出于好奇 / 礼貌
I love/hate XXX more than anything else in this world. 我非常爱/讨厌 XXX
It’s high time that … 是时候做 …
What if I … 如果我 … 怎么办?
What if I forget my password?
give sb. a lift 送某人一程,搭顺风车


句子 释义
But there’s no way around it. 但是没有辦法。(我只能…)
We’ve known each other for a long time. 我们认识很久了。
I almost forgot about it. 我差点忘了。
It is a good way to loosen up.
It is a good way to recharge my batteries. 这是放松的好方法。
Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
let’s pick up right where we left off
let’s go back to where we left off 让我们从离开的地方开始。
Which college to attend? 上哪所大学?
No one has a crystal ball. 没有人能预测未来(水晶球)。
This is the meaning of life.
This is what life is all about. 这就是人生的意义。
I’m no exception. 我也不例外。
I’m pretty sure after a few years when you look back, you’ll appreciate the efforts you’re putting into XXX right now. 我很确定几年之后当你回望之时,你会感激你当前在XXX上付出的努力。
This is a chance once in a blue moon. 这是个千载难逢的好机会。
They stayed together for the sake of the children. 为了孩子,他们还待在一起。
This can go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. 这可能会越陷越深。
This is your time to shine. 这是你的发光时刻。
Everything seems to be working swimmingly. 一切似乎都很顺利。

